
Showing posts from August, 2017
Divine Judgment and Wrath in the Age of Grace Why I believe the “little g” gods of America are Soon to be Humbled  Pastor David A Crisp, 2015 Right now I am in the midst of a sermon series at our church entitled, “Divine Judgment and Wrath in the age of Grace.” It’s a hard subject to wrap your brain around and develop a good sound biblical doctrine about! How does God’s wrath and judgment work in this age of grace?  Now that Jesus has come and taken all our sin, guilt and punishment upon himself, is God’s wrath currently active or just waiting, being “stored up” (Rom. 2 :5)  for the day of judgment?  It is clear from scripture that in the end God will judge all individuals and all the nations.  Thankfully, those in Christ will not be judged for their sins, since Jesus already paid for those.  Those who are in Christ will be judged at the Judgment Seat of Christ and give an accounting for what we each did with the salvation that was freely given us - did we spend our talents, ti